Other PHP Frameworks?

In afara de Symfony, CakePHP si CodeIgniter mai e ceva ce merita bagat in seama?
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8 Responses to “Other PHP Frameworks?”

  1. Gigi (1 comments) on April 20th, 2013 10:00 am


    Reply to  Gigi
  2. Catalin Nicolescu (223 comments) on April 20th, 2013 12:27 pm

    Interesant, da e lafel de impresionant ca CakePHP, care nu e deloc.

    Reply to  Catalin Nicolescu
  3. bebe (2 comments) on April 20th, 2013 4:27 pm

    Check out Laravel!

    Reply to  bebe
  4. Marius Costache (11 comments) on April 22nd, 2013 2:42 pm

    Laravel e misto. Are multe componente din Symfony dar este mult mai “opinionated”.
    De exemplu, are driver pentru Redis scris si deja configurat sa mearga pentru cache sau sesiuni, your choice.
    Stiu ca nici in Sf nu ar fi mult de scris unul, dar doar faptul ca trebuie sa o faci… parca sunt prea lenes cateodata.

    Plus ca nu pierzi nimic din ce are Sf mai bun 🙂

    Reply to  Marius Costache
  5. Catalin Nicolescu (223 comments) on April 22nd, 2013 8:13 pm

    Pot sa folosesc Composer? Nu e prea stralucit da functioneaza

    Reply to  Catalin Nicolescu
  6. bebe (2 comments) on April 22nd, 2013 10:34 pm

    Let me google that for you!


    Reply to  bebe
  7. Marius Costache (11 comments) on April 22nd, 2013 11:39 pm

    In Laravel3 nu e default. Trebuie instalat ca si Bundle, cum zice Bebe mai sus.
    Eu iti recomand sa incepi direct cu Laravel 4, http://four.laravel.com/ .
    Composer vine default si deja ai o gramada documentatie pentru el. Sunt si niste tutoriale interesante la Tutsplus 🙂

    Reply to  Marius Costache
  8. Jack (4 comments) on April 27th, 2013 1:36 am

    Tot aud de FuelPHP, nu am incercat personal, dar merita investigat

    Reply to  Jack



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