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Let’s be honest here. No one likes the ugly one. That goes for both boys and girls. Yes we’ve all heard that “what’s inside” counts. WRONG! Come on, please. Maybe this sell good with those who concider themselfs fat, ugly, rejected by society. Well, yes. Just take a look at what society conciders to be “beauty” (Miss World, Miss Venezuela, don’t know no contests for men, but you get the idea).
I saw a really desgusting movie about a girl that falls in love with a handicapped boy. Yeah right, like anyone will belive that. There are some exceptions like this in real life, but in that context either the boy is rich or the girl is really retarded.
You walked down the street, you have turned your head to look a littel longer at a girl, or a boy. How did he/she looked? Was he/she fat? was wearing glasses? had pimples? I’m sure not.
So what is all the fuss about ? I myself  never turned my head for a ugly girl, and definitively I won’t after a rich one. Why? 🙂 Because that kind of girls have attitude problems. Call me carzy but that’s how I think.
And another thing that anoyes me, is the obsesion with being fat. Yes it’s important but these days it has been taken to the limit.
Take my ex for example. She had taken it so far that she was afraid of looking at food. Why? Why are them starving  on purpose? Some of them are ment to be fat and ugly, why can’t they live with the idea?
I knew girls that nomater how much they ate they still had a body to envy.
Almost all the good looking ones go out with rich guys. Well why shoudn’t they. If I would had been a girl I would do the same. And look on the guys side. He worked hard for the money ( well, some of us did ) why do you think he did? To have a fast car, have lots of beautiful woman sorrounding him. Let’s face it, that’s the world today. Nobody will give a sh*t if you’re broke. Nobody will look at you if you’re ugly. And if you’re poor and ugly then youre a LOSER.
All the girls these days mess up youre head about love. They all woryed that you don’t love them. 😀 I’ll let you know on a little secret: these girls are hopeless, they’re insecure, they’re afraid, they will never do nothing with theyre life. They’ll end uo married to some guy, stay at home take care of the children while he get’s out, pretending to be on bussines, fool around with others, cheat on his wife, while she stays home, thinking of the days when she had fun, the days when she was liveing her life. And if he doesn’t do this to her, then he’s a loser.

All the rich guys have girls that look like models. Well they should. They all have hot looking chicks, that drain theyre bank account. Girls that spend a day, more than he does in a month. Girls that have everything they always wanted, and that others only dream about. Well ofcource, why do you think the look like that? They earned it. Once you look like that you know you have reached youre objective. You can make a man obey you. You can make him do whatever he wants. That’s true. Guys are suckers for a hot looking woman, they will do everithing she wants. And if he doesn’t, dump him. Make him look like an idiot, because that’s what he is. He has this hot girl and he doesn’t know how to keep her. Well he’s not good for you. be smart leave him. you can have every man you want.

Don’t hate me. That’s the real truh

Internet FIR-less | Webmaster’s Odyssey

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Stateam si io ca omu’ Joi seara la un long-night in fatza comp-ului si faceam trafic pe la diverse site-uri. Mama naibii, pe la TV nimik, Playboy Channel, nu mergea, si chiar daca mergea, oricum nu era nimik interesant de vazut, ca de obicei.
Cautam un registar roman pe nishte domenii, dupa o cearta incredibila cu tipu’ de la Connex MyDomain Support. Balarii!!! Mi-e ca imi scutur buzunaru’ de nishte milioane bune si-i dau in judecata. M-a mancat sa-mi inregistrez un domeniu prin MyDomain … MARE GRESALA.
Cand mi-am gasit timp, am inceput sa lucrez la site, si urmatorul pas logic era sa-mi transfer domeniu pe numele meu … 🙂 vezi sa nu … ce tupeu pe mine sa cred ca cei de la Connex o sa mi-l dea …
Sunt io la *222, astept … cam juma’ de baterie pana raspunde ( bine ca aveam hands-free-ul ). Dupa ce am ascultat ultimile hit-uri ale lui Mozzart, mi-au raspuns. Le zic io ca am inreg domeniu la ei, si ca vreau sa-mi incarce factura cu 60$ si sa-mi treaca domeniul pe numele meu, ca sa-l trec in DNS-ul propriu. La capatul celalalt se aud rasete. Hmmm … Ce-i asa de amuzant?
“Pai sa vedeti, ca sunt 60$+TVA!” *&^*^*&$%$ Dumnezieiii!!!
Cum 60$+TVA ?!?! RNC il da cu 60$ fara tva !!!
“pai sa RNC, dar nu noi !”
Dupa cateva referiri in gand la mama lui, am zis oh well. Bun, puneti si TVA, si schimbati-l pe DNS-ul
“Pai sa vedeti ca nu se poate schimba DNS-u!”
La faza asta am ramas fara voce. Cum nu se poate schimba? Dece?
Raspunsul a fost si mai scurt. “Pentru ca nu se poate.”
Ok, mishto. Dupa alta jumatate de baterie, cad de comun acord cu respectivu’ sa-mi taie domeniu, iar dupa 7 zile sa-l inregistrez din alta parte.
Concluzia? … NU faceti gresala!!!!

In fine, se face dimineata. Cheaun de somn, cu vre-o 4 cafele baute, si 2 pachete de tzigari fumate, ma duc catre magazie sa vad ce hardware mai am pe acolo, pt a asambla un “server”.
Dupa vre-o juma de ora gasesc io o placa Dual Pentium II, si procesoare. Instalare, inceput de configurare … somn-ul isi punea amprenta. Asa ca am decis sa o las pe mai tarziu.
Hehe, somn de voie. Intr-un final termin treaba cu server-ul.
Plug it in! Hmm … asta e o problema, unde? Ma uit io la switch-uri, cam pline … damn … ok da fuga in orash la ISP …
Inflatia …. inflatia e o mare problema … 500$ pt 1Mbps, si inca $$$ pt tras fibra optica … de … pt 1mbps iti trebuie fibra optica, cablu coaxial saracu’ nici nu suporta transfer de GBps, dar trebuie sa-si vanda marfa. Johnny Walker pana la urmatorul ISP. Aceeasi poveste. Cand dau sa plec, ma opreste tipu’ din drum … iti dau prin Wire-less. 🙂 happy day. pretul era incredibil, mai putin de jumatate din cat ceruse celalalt. dau io banii, dau autograf, imi iau aparatura la subrat si inainte spre casa.
Dai cu instalarea. Problem!!! Suna la tehnic… nene uite asa, asa … ce drivere vrea?
“Pai le baga XP-u singur!” … liniste … “Alo? … Alo?” Dupa cateva secunde imi revin … Pai nene io am linux nu XP…. liniste … “In cazul asta incercati pe site la producator.” mda … oh well
Iau modemu’ ma duc la vecinu din retea, care avea XP, fac io instalarea … zum zum zum … nu mere … hmmm … cum posibil? tipu’ mai avea un wireless instalat. Dupa ore de chinuiala se ajunge la urmatoarea concluzie … wireless, wireless … unu merge, 2 fac interferente, chiar daca sunt pe canale diferite, si bat pe directii opuse, trebuie sa ai metri buni distanta intre antene.
Eh, dupa 2 zile si ceva de chinuit, in sfarsit s-a rezolvat in mare parte, mai ramane treaba cu domeniul. Vai de capul meu … Welcome 2 Romania
